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Citrus + Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups | Killing Thyme


I’ve partnered up with eleven other bloggers to bring you even more healthy options. Scroll past the recipe to peruse their healthful eats!

We’re halfway through January and, by looking at my Facebook + Instagram feeds, people are still feelin’ those new year, new me vibes with their healthy meal photos and sweaty post-work out selfies.

It makes me happy.

It makes me happy because the abundance of feel-good posts circulating social media is extra motivation for people whom are trying to stick to their recent healthy habits and — of lesser importance but still worth noting — it makes me happy because there are a fair share of Debbie Downers out there who take pride in naysaying people that make these resolutions with comments like, If you really wanted to make a change, you could have started on one of the other 364 days this year. *Gasp* NO WAY. It’s a good thing some folks wake up with a burr in their britches and let us know these things, amirite?

I started running back in November and I can’t tell you how much better I feel overall — physically and mentally. So resolutioners — I have your back.

I also have a ridiculously appetizing recipe for you that will knock your sneakers off and send you into a state of pure bliss.

Citrus + Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups

Citrus + Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups | Killing Thyme

While recently perusing old recipes in my archives, I stumbled upon some chicken lettuce cups I’d made a few years ago. They were delightfully creamy and dreamy, let me tell you; I toyed with the idea of recreating the same recipe with shrimp, but my husband hates mayo (I wish I had this problem), so I kicked that idea to the curb in hopes that I could recreate something sans mayo that was equally delicious. Lo and behold, with a blend of citrus, ginger, miso and soy sauce, these lettuce cups will blow ya mind. These bad boys are wholesome, crisp and despite being light, they’re filling and satisfying — so be sure to add this recipe to this year’s new + improved meal rotation.



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Citrus + Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups

These Citrus + Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups are super flavorful. They make for a great lunch or an light yet filling weeknight dinner. They're low-carb, healthy and oh-so-satisfying.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8 cups
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  • 12 shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 1 TBSP sesame oil
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • Kosher salt + cracked black pepper

Stuffing Mixture:

  • 1 TBSP sesame oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 4 oz Brussels Sprouts, approx. 1 heaping cup, shredded or chopped
  • 3 oz mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 orange or yellow bell pepper, they're sweeter, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot


  • 4 TBSP Kikkoman soy sauce
  • 2 tsp ginger
  • 2 tsp rice vinegar
  • 2 tsp fish sauce
  • 2 tsp of miso paste
  • juice of 1/2 an orange, any citrus fruit will work, or one lemon or lime


  • Head of iceberg lettuce
  • Dry roasted peanuts, for garnish, chopped
  • slices Scallions, for garnish, thinly
  • Microgreens, optional, for garnish



  • Thoroughly mix all of the sauce ingredients in a small bowl. Set aside.


  • Heat sesame oil in a skillet over moderate heat.
  • Add the shrimp, and evenly sprinkle the coriander, salt and pepper over the shrimps. After approx. one minute, turn the shrimp over and toss around in the pan to coat with oil and seasoning. Simmer the shrimp for another minute or two. If the shrimp is completely opaque with a pearly-pink hue, they're ready to go. Remove from heat and set aside.

Stuffing Mixture:

  • Heat the sesame oil in a large skillet over moderate heat.
  • Add the garlic and simmer until fragrant, tossing occasionally to avoid browning, approx. 1 minute.
  • Add all of the vegetables to the skillet, as well as half of the sauce; toss to coat. Simmer until the mushrooms are tender, approx. 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove skillet from heat, add the shrimp, and slowly add the remainder of the sauce — as much or as little of it as you want. I like saucier cups, so I used it all.
  • Tear leaves from the head of iceberg lettuce and transfer the mixture to the lettuce leaves/cups.
  • Garnish with peanuts, scallions, microgreens and an extra squirt of citrus if you'd like.


This recipe should serve approx. 8 lettuce cups. The cups are filling, so I'd suggest 3 per person if a meal — less if a snack. This makes for a great appetizer as well.
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Citrus and Soy Shrimp Lettuce Cups | Killing Thyme

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  1. Totally and agree with your thoughts on New Year’s resolutions! It’s just an extra push that some people need, what’s so bad about that? As for the recipe – DANG GIRL, that’s a lot of flavour in those lettuce cups! I want to try this so maybe I’ll try replacing the shrimp with tofu and see what happens :)

  2. Dana, these look lovely. I love salad boats, the freshness, textures and the amount of flavor you can pack in these bundles of health. You have done a great job on these. The use of sesame oil flavoring the shrimp and veggies. The dressing with the miso and soy sauce. I am with you on the resolutioners. It takes courage and a lot of gumpf to get on a healthy path, as for the downers I see myself as a non stick pan and that s–t slides right off me. I used to run also a few years back, love the runners high. Good on you, keep it up, and look forward to your future recipes and posts/

  3. This would fly off the table at my place! Love the simplicity of the recipe and yet the abundance of flavours. Lettuce wraps are a great way to make supper feel fresh in the middle of winter! Great photos Dana!

  4. Whoa… hates Mayo?! My brain can’t even compute I would put that shit on everything if I could! My hubby has a weird liking for Miracle Whip, which is equally as disturbing :S

    Love this recipe, the flavor combo is amazing – and those photos have me drooling on my keyboard. Now excuse me while I run out to buy some iceberg lettuce and rethink my dinner plans….

  5. I have so many things to say about this dish:

    1. O.M.G. – photos!!! Amazing! I not only pinned the recipe to my food boards but also to my beautiful food photography board as it is inspirational!!! Gorgeous!

    2. Oh, what an awesome combination of flavours and textures! Yum!

    3. Where do we find guys who hate Mayo? My also dislikes it! He doesn’t hate it hate it, but he strongly (very strongly) prefers not to eat it

    1. Thanks so much, Julia!
      The funny thing is, when I took these photos and first uploaded them, I thought I was doomed. There was a warm glow in our kitchen and we have hardwood floor, so it emphasis the orange glow. I had to play around with the white balance in these quite a bit to cool things down, but thankfully it all worked out in the end. I was pretty bummed to start!

      And yeah — ha! I *wish* I had an issue with mayo; my issue is I freaking LOVE it in all of its creaminess and dreaminess. I pretty much never eat it, but once in a while I indulge and it’s basically the best.

  6. Dana! I opened this recipe not knowing it was yours until I got here. I love accidentally stumbling upon my favorite internet people. :)
    These look so fresh and tasty. I’ve been trying to eat more fish & less meat, but for some reason shrimp intimidate me! This recipe looks ridiculously easy though, so it might be time for me to suck it up and give shrimp a try.

    1. Hey, Sarah! Haha, that is hilarious. Pretty much how I felt when I’d stumbled upon one of yours while picking recipes for a round-up last year — it was a pleasant surprise :)
      These are hella fresh + tasty, omg. And I can understand how shrimp can be intimidating. I’m actually in the process of doing my first video, and it’s a how-to on deveining + cooking shrimp. Hopefully it helps! Keep your eyes peeled. I’m a huge proponent of bringing more fish into people’s diets (obviously) so if I can ever help in any way, just holler!

  7. Ugh, those types of people are THE WORST. You do you, if you need to start on the first, then start on the first! Good luck on your running journey, I wish you good sneakers and happy miles :) These look so amazing, that SHRIMP! And I love that you’re serving it on lettuce, a plate you can eat!

    1. Right? I have zero tolerance for such attitudes, gah. Some people will find any reason to piss on a parade, I’m telling you.
      Thank you! So far, so good; I do find myself a little sore in the knees at times, but I’ll be getting fitted shoes so hopefully that helps. This is the first time I’ve found a fitness routine I look forward to, which is… new. Ha.

      And thank you! Lettuce cups are sort of my new fave thing. They’re filling and satisfying, but don’t leave you feeling all stuffed and bloated. Win!

  8. Wow, this looks amazing. I’m always looking for new ways to cook with shrimp and I love the addition of chopped peanuts. Crunchy textures in lettuce cups/wraps are my jam! :)

    1. Thanks, Jessica!
      The addition of chopped peanuts was stellar. I love me some crunch, so whenever I can, I add a nut of some sort to a dish. I’m glad you dig the idea :)

  9. OH yum- these look so tasty! I must admit, the idea of a lettuce cup or wrap totally didn’t appeal to me about 2 minutes ago, but I love the mix of flavours going on here! Definitely something I could see myself trying out in the coming weeks. Thanks Dana for the inspiration :)

    1. Girl, I hear you. When I first heard about lettuce cups I was like, “Yeah right; go home.” Then I had one… and then four more followed. SO. GOOD. Having fresh crisp lettuce is key — none of that limp shit — and it’s all about what you fill it with. They’re also quite invigorating to eat. I hope you do love them! Keep me posted :)

  10. These look wonderful! Fresh and so delicious! And I’m with you on loving all the feel good posts on social media…they keep me motivated to be active and eat better!

    1. Thanks, Jo-Anna! These cups are so crisp, you can’t help but feel good when you mow them down!
      And yes, totally! Seeing everyone be happy and feel good about themselves is uplifting, and positive energy truly is contagious.